Monday, 9 January 2012

6 Tips on Successfully Working from Home

By Nellie Akalp for

Tips on SUCCESSFULLY working from home.

Tips on SUCCESSFULLY working from home.

Talk about working from home, and most people will conjure up ideas of some kind of utopian bliss… conference calls in slippers, no commute, and no cubicles. While working from the home office is a great situation for many, work at home professionals find themselves faced with a unique set of distractions and challenges not found in the office.

Over the past years, the work at home population has spiked, driven in part by the economic downturn and increase in self-employment. Whether you're self-employed, a small business owner, or a telecommuter--if you work from home, you need to stay focused throughout the workday while still enjoying all the benefits of working from home.

How to Successfully Work at Home

1. Establish a dedicated workspace
Creating boundaries between your 'work' and 'personal' lives is critical. If possible, try to give yourself a dedicated office, with a door to shut out unwanted distractions. If that's not possible, a desk in the corner will suffice. These boundaries will not only help you be productive at work, but will also help you decompress when office hours are over.

Related: New Survey: Signs You're a Workaholic

2. Make good use of your productive time
Productivity experts will tell you to set specific office hours when you work from home. However, it's important to remember that these hours don't have to be 9-5 (unless, of course, your schedule is dictated by a client or employer). If your working time is flexible, set the schedule that works for you. Most people typically have certain times in the day when they're most productive and focused. Maybe it's between 7 and 9 am, or 7 to 9 pm. Learn what your 'productivity hours' are and then make sure you use them for high priority and more challenging projects.

3. Respect your work time
When you work at an office or away from home, your family and friends automatically know and understand your work schedule. But when you're working at home, that's not always the case. It's not uncommon for friends and family to call you at any point in the day. And more often than not, you'll be the one expected to take care of household tasks like waiting for an appliance repair appointment or getting the dry cleaning. That's not to say you shouldn't chat on the phone or go grocery shopping in the day. Just be mindful of how easy it is to have time taken from your workday. Remember: just because you work from home doesn't mean your job or work hours are any less real than if you spent your days in the office.

4. Log off ⎯ even during work hours
Facebook, YouTube, online shopping…these are all known digital distractions. But for most, the daily stream of emails and IMs from clients, customers, and colleagues end up being the day's biggest time sink. If your particular job allows you to do so, dedicate sections of the day when you unplug from the phone and/or email to get some work crossed off your to-do list. Then, log back on and power through any urgent responses.

Related: Save Your Sanity While Working from Home

5. End your day with a task list for tomorrow
Before shutting down for the day, take a few minutes to make a task list for the next day. This accomplishes two things. One, your day's progress is fresh in your mind; by creating a list now, you're in a better position to easily pick up where you left off tomorrow. And two, creating a list for tomorrow signals your brain that it's time to switch over to personal time and you can better enjoy your time with friends and family outside of working hours. When creating your list, try to make your task items as concrete as possible; an abstract task item like 'find more clients' won't help you focus.

6. Make your free time count
It's important to remember that you can't stay focused for hours on end. And that's true whether you work at home or in the office. When working from home it's easy to lose track of time, making it harder to break away from the computer. But when you stay seated in one place for hours at a time, your body gets tired and you're less able to stay focused. By taking short breaks throughout the day, you'll be refreshed and ready to work. Just make sure to make your free time count: get outside, meet a friend for lunch, or do something you love. You'll not only end up being happier, but more productive as well. Busy work won't recharge your batteries.

If you're lucky enough to work from home, embrace the unique opportunity. There will always be more work to do. The key is finding the self-discipline to make the most out of your work hours with healthy boundaries to enjoy your leisure time.

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